Maddox Wing Test

Product Code: EA1121
£121.00 Price exclusive of VAT
At a glance:
  • Convenient hand held Maddox Wing Test
  • Cyclophoria may be assessed
  • Esopheria can be measured
  • Visual field is divided into two sections
  • More information below...

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Maddox Wing Test from Evans Instruments is convenient hand held quick and efficient near test for heterophoria which is measured on the red vertical scale. Cyclophoria may be assessed moving the red arrow pointer parallel to the horizontal scale. Esopheria is measured by the white horizontal scale. The visual field is divided into two sections. The right eye sees a red and white arrow, each of which point to a scale with numbers seen by the left eye; the red arrow points to the vertical red scale and the white arrow points to the horizontal white scale. A third arrow located to the right and below the horizontal white scale is used to measure torsion

The Maddox Wing is an instrument used by ophthalmologists and optometrists in the measurement of strabismus “lazy eye”. It is a quantitative and subjective method of measuring the size of a strabismic deviation by dissociation of the eyes brought about by two septa which are placed in such a way as to present fields to either eye separated by a diaphragm at the centre.

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