Solution to the Space Vs Functionality Challenge
Provides a unique solution to the space vs functionality challenge, all at an affordable price. A small footprint provides total functionality in
instrument delivery and patient comfort by combining features of the FRASTEMA S.R.L. Examination Chairs and the spectacular engineering
of FRASTEMA’S instrument arms.
Table top System:
- The table top is designed primarily for any model slit lamp in the first examination position with another instrument of choice
in the second position. - Sliding surface seamlessly transitions patient from one instrument to another
- Converts to writing space without a second instrument
- Safety switch plate automatically stops elevation of the chair when touched by a patient’s legs.
- Accommodates left-handed exam rooms (please indicate when ordering)
- Overhead lamp with energy efficient LED light for energy efficiency and safety
- 2 rechargeable instrument wells
- Ultra-resilient, long-lasting membrane switches that control chair functions
- The refraction unit is controlled by an electronic microprocessor board, that let the user to program the best working conditions, customizing them
depending on own needs. The workstation offers full compatibility with a wide range of ophthalmology accessories and gives the possibility to place
up to four different instruments.
Benefits compact dimensions possibility to use up to four different instruments rotating working plane with manual movement and mechanical
blocking system and electric lift column with adjustable and variable intensity lamp auxiliary functions commands incorporated drawer for
accessories possibility of examining patient directly in his own chair (disable patients) easy installation of video system instruments such as Corneal Topographer and Digital Slit Lamp.
The height for the instruments table and phoropter bracket may be adjusted by electric motor and makes an easy adjustment of the diagnostic
devices possible for the patient sitting in the wheel-chair.