Launch of the NEW NIDEK handheld fundus camera
2 February 2016

NIDEK, one of the world’s leading optical equipment brands have yet again launched a revolutionary device allowing practitioners to provide Fundus images to patients with a hand held device.
The NEW NIDEK Versacam Alpha– hand held Fundus Camera, is a portable, versatile & lightweight device allowing easy use for taking Fundus images with a 5MP resolution and a 45° field of view. The device comes with many additional benefits such as:
- Highly Portable with internal power for use in domiciliary environments or for disabled patients in wheelchairs.
- Easy link to Navis software (even via Wi-Fi).
- Enhance patient convenience.
- Can be hand held or slit lamp mounted, as a cost effective and ergonomic way of equipping a small practice with a fundus camera.
- Internal fixation allows for better and easier image capture as well as more functionality to take images of more peripheral lesions. This will also contribute to the potential for the device to become diabetic accredited.
Click here to find out more about the new Nidek DS-20 VersaCam α